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作者:   来源:外国语学院    浏览次数:[]    发布日期: 2017-10-20




世界汉语修辞学会第五届年会暨比较修辞学国际学术研讨会(The Fifth Biennial Conference of the Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World & International Conference on Comparative Rhetoric)








2017年12月15-17日(15日报到,16日至17 日上午学术研讨,17日下午自由研讨与返程)



1. 修辞学的历史、现状与趋势

2. 国际修辞学的发展趋势

3. 全球修辞学的理论建设

4. 多元文化中国的比较修辞学

5. 政治修辞学与政府修辞学

6. 国家话语学与全球话语学

7. 国际语言教育与国际修辞学教育

8. 话语修辞的跨学科研究


1. “一带一路”语境下的汉语修辞问题和出路

2. 国际汉语话语传播的热闹与门道

3. 国家形象和文化建构

4. 国际和平与修辞传播

5. 国家实力与国际修辞

6. 网络修辞与世界秩序

7. 话语修辞和多元文化接触

8. 网络传播和话语修辞策略

9. 修辞伦理与传播伦理


1. 论文摘要、六问简答、论文全文提交截止日期:2017 年11月25日(请直接在报名系统中提交,提交全文可参与大会论文评奖);

2. 会议结束后,学会将筛选论文编入《国际修辞学研究》出版,提交会议的论文,请勿再投寄他处,如拟投寄其他刊物或不准备结集出版,请在邮件中提前予以说明;

3. 大会不接受已在期刊或会议上发表的论文。


1. 拟参会者请登录http://bm.hrexam.com/报名;

2. 报名截止日期:2017年11月25日;

3. 联系人:华侨大学外国语学院办公室 唐建林老师,手机:15659855260;

4. 华侨大学会议承办方网络联络人:侯国金:houguojin@hqu.edu.cn

5. 其他联系或咨询方式:世界汉语修辞学会秘书处:rhetoric2008@163.com


1. 境内会务费为900元人民币,境外会务费折合200美元;


2)网上缴费方式:支付步骤:登录华侨大学财务处网站(网址:http://cwc.hqu.edu.cn/)→点击右侧“收费平台” →点击右上角“报名入口”(网址:http://cwcsf.hqu.edu.cn/Baoming.html) →点击“缴费”操作→在弹出窗口中输入身份证号,确定→缴款单位输入格式:单位名称+姓名(注:单位名称用于机打发票用,请填写需要开具发票的单位名称和税号),确定报名→按提示要求完成网上支付过程→请打印支付成功的界面,报到时交给会务组工作人员。

2. 在读硕博研究生的会务费五折优惠(凭有效证件);

3. 住宿费、交通费自理;住宿、餐饮由会务组统一安排;

4. 会议报到和住宿地点:华侨大学(泉州校区)专家招待所一楼大厅。







Conference Invitation

The Fifth Biennial Conference of the Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World & International Conference on Comparative Rhetoric

New Scenery of Global Rhetoric:

Classical and Modern, Amalgamation and Development

(Calling for Papers)

Dear Sir/Madam,

“The Fifth Biennial Conference of the Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World & International Conference on Comparative Rhetoric” will be held in Huaqiao University, China, from Dec. 15 to 17, 2017. The Conference is held:

 to discuss new trends and the new scenery of international rhetoric development in the global context;

 to promote the development and prosperity of the Chinese rhetoric of the world, comparative rhetoric and the global rhetoric;

 to boost the exchange and collaboration between experts and researchers from international rhetoric and adjacent disciplines;

 to celebrate the 10th anniversary ofThe Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World.

Contribution of articles will be warmly welcomed. The relevant matters are hereby noted as below:

I. Title

The Fifth Biennial Conference of the Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World & International Conference on Comparative Rhetoric

II. Sponsor

The Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World

The Chinese Comparative Rhetoric Society and The Global Rhetoric Society

III. Organizer

College of Foreign Languages (Research Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics), Huaqiao University, China

IV. Working Languages

Chinese, English

V. Date: Dec. 15-17, 2017

1. Dec. 15: Registration;

2. Dec.16–17 (morning) : Symposiums;

3. Dec. 17 (afternoon): Discussion or Departure.

VI. Topics

New Scenery of Global Rhetoric: Classical and Modern,

Amalgamation and Development

Subtheme I: Theory Construction in Global Rhetoric

1. History, Current Situation and Trends of Rhetoric

2. Development Trends of International Rhetoric

3. Theoretical Construction in Global Rhetoric

4. Comparative Rhetoric in the Multi-Culture Context

5. Political Rhetoric and Governmental Rhetoric

6. National and Global Discourse Studies

7. International Language Education, International Rhetoric Education and Teaching

8. Interdisciplinary Aspects of Discourse Rhetoric

Subtheme II: Chinese Rhetoric in the Context of “Belt & Road” and Chinese Culture Spreading

1. Problems and Solutions of Chinese Rhetoric in the Context of “Belt & Road”

2. International Chinese Discourse Communication

3. National Image and Cultural Construction

4. International Peace and Rhetorical Communication

5. National Strength and National Rhetoric

6. Internet Rhetoric and World Order

7. Discourse Rhetoric and Multi-cultural Contacts

8. Internet Communication and Rhetorical Strategies

9. Ethics of Rhetoric and Communication Ethics

VII. Deadline for Submitting Proposals, Panel Proposals and Articles

Nov. 25, 2017

Note:Please send your proposal (300-600 words), panel proposals and articles (5,000-12,000 words) before the deadline to the following e-mail address:houguojin@hqu.edu.cnwith the title “Chinese rhetoric of the world + participant’s name”. When the conference ends, exemplary articles will be compiled into the journal International Rhetoric Studies for publication. Once submitted, papers are not to be sent elsewhere. Otherwise, let us know in advance. Published articles are not accepted for the conference.

VIII. Contacting Persons

Jianlin Tang Phone: +86 15659855260

Administrative Office of College of Foreign Languages, Huaqiao University

Guojin Hou E-mail:houguojin@hqu.edu.cn

The Conference Organizing Committee


Secretariat of the Global Rhetoric Society

IX. Venue for Registration and Accommodation

1st floor, Expert Guest House, Huaqiao University (Quanzhou Campus)

X. Miscellany

1. Entrance fee is 900 RMB or 200 US dollars per person.

2. Postgraduates and doctoral students will be charged half price (with valid documentation).

3. Conference registration, room, round-trip tickets fee, and etc. will be paid by participants themselves or be reimbursed by participants’ institutions.

4. Accommodation will be arranged by the Conference Organizing Committee.

For more information, please refer to the conference website:http://www.worldrhetoric.com.

College of Foreign Languages, Huaqiao University

The Chinese Rhetoric Society of The World

The Global Rhetoric Society

The Chinese Comparative Rhetoric Society

Return Receipt

For the Fifth Biennial Conference of the Chinese Rhetoric Society of the World & International Conference on Comparative Rhetoric








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Zip code


Paper title


Paper abstract


(300-600 words)

Please fill up this form and mail it back to us at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

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